Thank you for not smoking in my airspace!

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Asma = Korban kaum Perokok

You probably already know that if you have asthma, you shouldn't smoke. But what about the effects of passive smoking?

How it affects you

  • Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, including carbon monoxide, ammonia and arsenic, and includes carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals).
  • If you have asthma, exposure to other people's tobacco smoke — environmental tobacco smoke — can trigger an asthma attack, and it can increase the number of attacks you might have.
  • If people smoke around you it can increase your lungs' sensitivity to other asthma triggers, such as pollen or dust mites.
  • Passive smoking might reduce your lung function if you have asthma.
  • Exposure to other people's smoke might increase your need for asthma medications.
  • Not only is passive smoking associated with asthma, but it has also been linked to lung cancer, heart conditions and lower respiratory illnesses.

How it affects your children

  • If you smoke during pregnancy, you increase your baby's chances of having lung problems such as asthma.
  • Passive smoking is a significant factor in the development of childhood asthma. Exposure to passive smoking may trigger asthma in children who are already genetically predisposed to the condition.
  • Your children are more likely to suffer from ear infections, serious chest infections, wheezing and coughing if you are a smoker.
  • Children with asthma who are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke take longer to recover from asthma symptoms than those not exposed.

What you can do

  • Don't smoke.
  • Minimise your exposure to tobacco smoke by putting ‘no smoking’ signs up in your home and work environments to encourage family, friends and colleagues to be smoke-free around you.
  • Request non-smoking areas when dining out or travelling to help reduce your exposure.
  • If you are unable to avoid a smoky area, take your reliever medication before you are exposed.
  • Keep your day-to-day asthma under control. Well-controlled asthma means you are better equipped to deal effectively with exposure to passive smoking.



Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

Kondisi Tubuh Seorang Perokok

Jika ada kampanye anti rokok, barangkali saya yang paling ekstrim, dimanapun berada, jika hidung yang sangat peka ini mencium asap rokok, langsung konsentrasi terganggu, emosi naik (padahal kan ga boleh marah ya ...) dan merasa wajib menyelesaikan gangguan ini. Langsung dicarilah sesorang yg mengganggu lingkungan ini dan ditegur dengan keras ... bila perlu diusir keluar ruangan! ... he he, sorry ya ... sy tidak pandang bulu, mohon maaf bila selama ini ada yang tersinggung. (terutama buat teman2 yg pernah sy teriakin ...KELUAR!, gara2 nekad merokok meski sedang rapat di ruang ber AC).
Soalnya ... kalau sudah mencium bau asap rokok, rasanya pernafasan langsung menutup dan menolak udara yang sudah tercemari
Terus gimana kalau orang yang merokok itu tidak mau keluar, ya sudah ... saya yang pergi!
Nah... waktu menemukan gambar kondisi tubuh seorang perokok di blog-nya seorang ibu dokter gigi yang cantik dan mulia hatinya, langsung deh pengen memasang juga.

Sudah banyak peringatan kan bahaya rokok, bahkan di iklan dan bungkusnya pun dicantumkan peringatan "berbahaya untuk kesehatan". Nah, ini daftar penyakit yang berpotensi menyerang tubuh seorang ahli hisap sekaligus ada gambarnya, silakan dilihat yg bener ya ...:
  1. Rambut Rontok (gundul)
  2. Katarak ( lama-lama picek)
  3. Kulit keriput
  4. Kanker kulit (jenis kanker terganas & paling cepat menyebar)
  5. Hilangnya pendengaran
  6. Osteoporosis (bungkuk)
  7. Karies dan stain gigi, halitosis dan periodontitis
  8. Emphysema ( sesak nafas)
  9. Penyakit jantung (calon kuat penghuni kubur secepatnya)
  10. Kanker Paru-paru, kanker hidung, kanker Mulut, kanker kandung kemih, kanker anus, kanker payudara, kanker uterus
  11. Diskolorisasi jari-jari ( jorok)
  12. Tukak lambung ( magh)
  13. Psoriasis (gatal2)
  14. Penyakit Buerger (pembuluh darah tersumbat)
  15. Kerusakan Sperma (mandul)

Menurut WHO setiap 6.5 detik satu orang meninggal karena rokok. Riset memperkirakan 70 % perokok memulai merokok di usia remaja dan terus merokok sampai dua dekade. Rokok akan memperpendek usia 20-25 th dibandingkan orang yg sama sekali tidak menghisap rokok. Nah lho ... masih membandel ... ?

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